Donald Trump’s behavior just got even stranger

Trump’s tidal wave of strange behavior has reached overflow. It’s reached overflow and is now spilling over into typical every day Trump events as President Biden notices and comes out with a statement calling the orange do-nothing, “Feeble, confused and tired.”

Indeed, Trump seems increasingly more off the beaten path mentally with every passing second. Let’s look at how Trump’s days have been going:

He compared himself to Jesus on Truth Social.

He boasted about winning golf games, but he probably did not win.

He made verbal gaffe after verbal gaffe after verbal gaff.

If Trump was a Meme, he’d be a confused-looking orange monster, perhaps with the word “Huh?” next to it.

But nothing was as bad for Trump as his appearance after the trial date was set for New York.

“You can’t have an election in the middle of a political season”, Mr. intelligence announced.

Yep. That’s what he said, alright. Trump, allow me to address you personally, as displeasing as I find it.

You do perhaps need to take some time off to see a doctor and perhaps make some adjustments to your sanity. Because right now, you’re coming off as a Castaway stranded on your own island, and the island’s name is Basket Case.

“Feeble, confused and tired” is what Biden’s team called him. It is true. Perhaps that is why President Biden is pulling ahead in many a Swing state poll (more on THAT great news in another article.)

Trump, at this moment in time, has:

No rallies.

No excuses for getting out of his criminal trial in New York.

No money.

No friends.

No sanity.

No respect.

No nothing.

All he is right now as President Biden has duly noted is “tired, confused and feeble.”

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