Donald Trump’s attorneys just broke the bad news to him

Donald Trump’s attorneys are now warning him that Jack Smith and the DOJ are about to indict him in the classified documents probe, per Rolling Stone. We’re at that stage now. Trump is going down and even his own people are admitting it.

To be clear, this doesn’t mean that Trump’s attorneys know for a fact that he’s about to be indicted. There is no indication that Jack Smith has informed them of this. Instead Trump’s attorneys are basing this on the front row seat they’ve had to Smith’s work. Based on that front row seat they’ve concluded that the probe is complete and that Smith will indict Trump “soon.”

So how soon can we expect the indictment? I’m still not inclined to try to predict an exact date, because there’s just no way to know, without peeking at Jack Smith’s calendar. But let’s put it this way: we’re now close enough that Trump’s attorneys are breaking the news to him today because it’s theoretically possible that by tomorrow it could be too late. This indictment could now happen any day.

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