Donald Trump’s attorneys are melting down

Reportedly Donald Trump’s attorneys are flipping out, and the reason they’re doing so is because Donald Trump will not stop talking about taking the stand in his own of defense at trial.

If I were Trump’s attorneys, (and thank goodness I’m not,) I would freak out, too. They do have a nightmare of a client and said client has a habit of doing precisely the opposite of what the attorneys advise him to do.

Trump has begun to regularly talk about taking the stand. But I caution people about taking him too seriously. He could still change his mind. His attorneys seem determined to keep their insane client off of the stand. Can you imagine, can you possibly imagine, what would happen if Donald Trump did take the stand

He would be devoured. It would be like taking candy from a baby for the prosecution. It would be so easy to destroy him up there. Is Trump genuinely dumb enough to do this? The answer to that question is yes, he is.

This is simply because Trump is up against his own narcissism, up against his vanity. And for someone like Trump, narcissism always wins out over common sense. Trump’s gigantic, rotting pit of narcissism doesn’t give a damn about whether it’s the right thing to do or what his lawyers tell him.

Trump wants to be able to explain his side, to brag, to try to butter up the jury, to take center stage, so yes, I believe this is a strong possibility. There is an excellent chance that Trump ignores his lawyers and gets on the stand anyway, and wouldn’t that be a day from heaven?

We’ll have to wait a bit to see what he does. Undoubtedly his lawyers are waiting too — waiting with horror. If Donald Trump allows his darker urges to lead him to take that stand, it’ll be bedlam. And the man will probably get even MORE prison time.

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