Donald Trump’s 4:00am phone call

The clock’s hands said 4:24 AM. That means it was the wee hours of the night — the time when most people are still asleep, far away from waking up to start their day afresh. However, one person was wide awake. Perhaps he had not slept at all. There’s no way of knowing.

But as the clock struck 4:24 AM, a cry in the night was heard. It was wailing, ominous, and signaled, of course, the lunacy which was already awake impatient to start the morning afresh with hate: “RADICAL LEFT JUDGE TAKING AWAY MY RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH.”

All the anger this monster of the midnight hour walked around with. How could any one person be so very ANGRY all the time? “IT WON’T WORK.” The man of the midnight hour (although on this particular night, it was well past midnight) seemed unable to control himself. This was far from the first outburst, of course. He was having these outbursts in a frighteningly fast manner. They were coming almost every day now.

“CROOKED JOE BIDEN AND HIS RADICAL LEFT THUGS.” I have a question, and it is an interesting one. What would this man have done if his fate were exactly the same — except technology had never been invented?

Where would his red-hot rage have gone then? Perhaps he would have called someone — his lawyer, perhaps? “LAWSUITS AGAINST ME, BROUGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY CAMPAIGN.”

Perhaps the lonely and bitterly troubled man would have phoned a friend — someone to come over and hold his hand, someone to guide him from the darkness into the firefight.

“THUGS!” There is only one problem with that theory. The man HAS no friends. Try, if you can, to think of one person who loves him, who would do anything for him. Oops, I was wrong. Trump has one friend.

Try to think of any OTHERS besides Lindsey Graham who would do anything for him. It isn’t the GOP House members and Senators. They obey him out of fear; they don’t love him.

The heart is a lonely hunter, to be sure. It wants and needs, and sometimes it simmers, a lonely bird calling out in the dead of night. For Donald Trump, his heart hunts for validation.

“INTERFERENCE SCAM.” Yet Trump is doomed never to find what his heart needs — because what it needs is not love nor companionship. His heart needs need. It needs someone to NEED HIM, to look UP to him, as the ultimate in wisdom, to flatter him, to console him, to worship him.

It won’t happen. Those days — the glory days — are long over for this man, whose heart hunts for the worship of yesteryear, calling out at the loneliest time of the night, trying to find on his journey someone, anyone, to validate him. It is going to be a wait that perhaps will go on forever.

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