Donald Trump tries desperate “Trump Organization II” stunt, but Letitia James is already all over it

Each time the justice system cracks down on Donald Trump further, various silly ideas get kicked around on social media about how Trump will somehow magically “get away with it all.” Trump then invariably acts upon those dumb ideas, without realizing that they are in fact silly nonsense.

For instance, once New York Attorney General Letitia James made initial moves to take the Trump Organization’s assets away, naive social media posts suggested that Trump could just shift the money to other entities and then magically keep it. But that’s not how asset seizures work; any assets you attempt to move around are still going to get taken.

Yet because Trump is naive enough to think that the most simplistic of ideas will actually work, the New York Times is reporting that he actually created a new company called “Trump Organization II” – no really, that’s the name – with the intent of shifting his assets to it.

But this morning Letitia James announced that she’s filing to block the move. Notably, Bloomberg is reporting that James is categorizing Trump Organization II as a “foreign” company, even though it’s been registered in Delaware.

In any case, this stunt is indicative of the desperate, naive, guaranteed-to-fail moves that people like Donald Trump resort to making once they’re cornered and out of actual options.

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