Donald Trump STILL doesn’t have it

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.

“If April showers should come your way, they bring the flowers that bloom in May.”
Buddy De Silva. April is upon us, friends and readers! April breezes and warm spring smells. It’s high time to say goodbye to Winter, wouldn’t you say?

But there’s another reason to welcome April with open arms. That reason is Spring Cleaning. Donald Trump’s spring cleaning. April is the month that will see Donald Trump’s most tumultuous rage yet! It is chock full of court dates, trials, and bond postings!

Let’s start with April 4. That is the deadline for Trump to post the $175 million bond, which, as of this writing, he still does not have!

Then we have Monday, April 8, when briefs are due in the Presidential Immunity case before the extreme court.

Moving right along, we arrive on April 15, the start of Donald’s first criminal trial. What a day THAT will be.

On April 25, Trump’s immunity claim will be heard before the extreme court!

This is quite a bit of Spring cleaning. Trump’s calendar will keep him quite busy in the month of April, and other things will happen that I have not even mentioned, an example being the inevitable Jude Cannon briefs for whatever it is this time.

Of course, you know that’s not it, with the court dates. Trump is ALWAYS in danger of getting sued AGAIN or being indicted AGAIN, so I suspect this is but the tip of the iceberg where Donald Trump’s court cases are concerned.[mashshare shares=”false” buttons=”true” align=”left” services=”3″ size=”small”]

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.