Donald Trump, squatter

“We have a squatter in the White House!” Those words were not said but they easily could have been. In the chaotic mind of a malignant narcissist, everything they want, desire, see and touch is automatically theirs.
This is because narcissists like Donald Trump don’t view others as people. And besides — it is all about THEM all the time and what THEY want. Wherever they go, they see only their own image smiling menacingly back at them.
That expensive table? It’s MINE. That beautiful woman? She’s MINE. The White House? It’s MINE. Journalist Maggie Haberman has a new book coming out. And one item in it is causing a stir. That is the claim that Donald Trump vowed never to leave the White House after his Presidential loss to Joe Biden.
He reportedly even planned to blockage himself inside the White House. The book is called “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the breaking of America.” The book says that Trump said he would not vacate the premises. “I’m just not going to leave,” a furious Trump reportedly screamed. And this: “We’re never leaving.”
Of course, he’d say that. Because in his warped and insidious mind, the White House is HIS.
The decision was insanity at its peak — and here is the heart of Trump’s delusion: I see it, I want it, I take it, and I NEVER EVER give it back. For a corrosive brain like Trump’s, the object of desire surrounds the traitor brain, and everything else is blocked out.
It’s MINE. Of course, the White House isn’t his. Had Trump really done what he reportedly said he’d do, he’d have been thrown out on his insurrectionist ass. One cannot “squat” in the White House.
And yet that is precisely what he reportedly planned to do. Squat about it. “Why should I leave if they stole it from me?” Trump is a walking advertisement for malignant narcissism. But he didn’t get what he wanted. He couldn’t. Because the White House is not HIS. It doesn’t belong to the squatter in chief. It does not belong to any one person. It belongs to America.