Donald Trump melts down on TV

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We won Pennsylvania! This deranged cry came from the dripping-with-poison lips of Traitor John Trump, who falsely and feebly declared that Pennsylvania was his for the taking in 2020. Same as it ever was. Trump declared we — the Democratic party — had cheated! Same as it ever was.

Jon Delano, the reporter whose ears were painfully subjected to all these tall tales, asked how Democrats cheat. “If you had ll day I could give you examples,” said Traitor, who proceed to give no examples. The courts disagree, Delano accurately retorted.

“They didn’t have the courage” replied Traitor. Ah yes, all these frightened Judges hid under their desks because of fear of one mind-meltingly crazy criminal. Then Trump, in a desperate attempt to lose the 2024 election, declared he is looking at “restrictions on birth control.”

Well – that is ONE way to lose an election. In all seriousness, though, we KNEW they’d come for contraception, and so they seem to be trying. The alt-right really is a haunted house full of stark, raving, mad prehistoric cave-people, burning with the acrid need to drag anyone and everyone into their rotting lairs and candlelit caverns; drag us all back to a time that no longer exists much as they long for it.

So yes, Donald Trump is spinning tall tales again. But the contraceptive part of it all is no joke, and it’s just yet another reason why we must defeat the GOP in November.

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