Donald Trump melts down behind the scenes about going to prison

Writers have been describing the scent of fear for centuries now. Fear in literature often is its own character. Pick up any classic novel, and you’ll probably be able to find someone who is suffering from this condition within the pages. That condition, we all know well, is the state of fear

And it’s also a subject that most people can relate to, because who in this world, what one individual ,has never, for even a whisper of a moment, felt the billowing rush of fear?

Of course, Donald Trump would like the world to believe that he has never been fearful of anything. He who scorns any hint, any tiny iota of vulnerability in another human. He runs from normal human emotions like love and, empathy, and sweetness.

Donald Trump wants to be seen as a Viking god, bold and proud in the spirit of an Achilles, never feeling fear. But that’s wrong. No Achilles’ heel for him. Donald Trump is lying. He’s lying to you, he’s lying to me. He’s lying to himself.

Donald Trump is one of the most fearful little humans on the planet. He fears the unknown; he fears the known. He fears anything that will take away his pride, money, or ability to win elections. And he is very scared of being found guilty in one of his criminal cases.

Axios reports that Donald Trump is starting to obsess in private. He’s beginning to obsess that he will be found guilty and that he will have to go to prison.

One case in particular is driving him crazy. One case would not leave his brain, and he started to openly fall apart about it to those near and dear to him, although those near and dear to him are very few.

That is the Washington DC case brought by Jack Smith. Trump is reported to be terrified that he will be found guilty.

To that, I say – duh. Of course, he will be found guilty, but apparently, this is just making its way into Donald Trump’s consciousness, and it’s causing him a great deal of fear.

Donald, what are we going to do with you? Fear is the frozen tundra inside Donald Trump. He is right to worry because he is no match for Jack Smith.

As I said at the beginning of this article, fear has been described and felt for centuries. And For many years now, and many more to come, writers and historians have been and will continue, writing about the scent of Donald Trump‘s fear.

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