Donald Trump melts down after President Biden absolutely nails it

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.

As you probably know, President Biden shot down a Chinese spy balloon off the coast of North Carolina this weekend. Biden handled this balloon affair as he handles everything — with stealth, calmness, and competence.

Only SOMEONE does not seem to think so. Someone’s insanity has overtaken their ballooning Id. And someone is lashing out angrily at the President. That someone is Donald John Trump. Trump on Sunday posted on truth social saying it is false that three spy balloons flew over our country during his miserable time in office. All lies, the ballooning maniac declared! “FAKE DISINFORMATION!” Right.

The thing with Trump is that he lies every time he opens his mouth. So the way to handle Trump is, when he says something, we are safe in believing the very OPPOSITE of what he says. And in fact, three spy balloons DID fly over this country on Trump’s watch. He handled it the way he dealt with any serious decision — by doing nothing.

But of course, Trump lies so frequently and often that one should have expected this. Some of Trump’s allies are rushing to his defense, insisting that this time is different because the balloon spent LONGER in the air than it ever did during the trump years. Sigh. Republicans cannot even give Biden this. It does make one wonder.

You know, inhaling helium from those helium balloons can turn one’s voice high and squeaky. Perhaps Trump did some good inhalation because I have noticed his voice is adopting that squeaky tone. It sounds a lot like Governor DeSantis these days. But I digress.

The bottom line is many, including me, were never worried about the spy balloon situation because we trusted our President and knew he’d deal with it — and he did. Republicans, however, cannot seem to deal with competence, especially when that competence comes in the form of President Joe Biden.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.