Donald Trump loses his shit in courtroom meltdown

What happens when a Civil court trial against a traitor begins and said traitor doesn’t like what is being said? Disorder in the court — naturally. For those people who have been waiting with bated breath for Donald Trump to lose his shit in court, the wait is now over.

The chief operating officer of insurrections lost it bigly in court and melted it down faster than an ice cream cone in ninety degree weather. It was something to see. E Jean Carroll was on the stand, testifying. As she testified, anguished groans could be heard in the distance. These groans were omitted from a perspiring, orange mess who could not seem to control himself from speaking to his lawyer and groaning and moaning and, in general, being an asshole.

“Mr. Trump, I hope I don’t have to consider excluding you from the trial.” That’s Judge Kaplan, a no-nonsense judge who was not thrilled with his royal idiot making so much noise. “I would love it. I would love it,” the moron responded. “I know you would because you just can’t control yourself in this circumstance,” the Judge replied.

Trump wasn’t the only one to get scolded. Trump’s lawyer was also on the hot seat. At one point, after the Judge had admonished his attorney, Trump, in serious freak-out mode by now, slammed his hand down on the table. I hope the table wasn’t hurt.

“Nasty guy.” That’s Donald Trump whispering (in a loud whisper) about the Judge. During a break, Carroll’s lawyer told the judge that Trump was talking over his client, saying things like” False.”

That made the Judge admonish Trump again, saying he needed to keep his voice down. Unfortunately, it was not to be. “It’s a witch hunt.” Reportedly, Trump said that loud enough for the jury to hear.

It appears the thrill of winning Iowa is long gone for the insurrectionist, and the reality of his current life – the court — is weighing heavily on him. “I want my reputation back,” Carroll said on the stand.

It is amazing this man is 77 years old. Based on his behavior, I’d peg him at about three — maybe — emotionally. Or perhaps he has not left the womb yet.

So this is the story of disorder in the court — major, unheard-of disorder, caused by a cretin who is quickly finding out he is not the big cheese in court — he’s just one of the little people, forced to sit there and obey, forced to shut his pie hole, held in legal captivity for all of his bad behavior. Isn’t it nice to see the traitor cracking up?

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