Donald Trump just stepped in it

Donald Trump finally emerged today from multiple weeks of hiding, and tried to hold a campaign event with some rogue “law enforcement” officers. Trump, as usual, came off as having dementia. If you want to sound tough on crime, you don’t do it by vowing to deport crime victims. But it was worse than that for him.

Trump seems to have less of an understanding than ever about which of the lies he wants to tell might actually be believed by anyone. And so the lie he told today about speaking with the family of a crime victim is now generating all kinds of negative headlines for him.

Donald Trump is as much of a lying, corrupt psychopath as ever. But now that he’s losing his cognitive faculties, he keeps creating more and more headaches for himself. If the point of today’s rare Trump public appearance was to generate positive headlines for him, all it did was generate negative ones instead. Trump went to the trouble of holding this rally for nothing.

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