Donald Trump just got hit with terrible news

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Everyone knows Donald Trump lost the debate in embarrassing fashion, based on simply having watched it. Every poll says Trump lost the debate by a clear margin. The only question has been whether it’ll drive his already-terrible election poll numbers even lower.

As Palmer Report likes to point out, it’s difficult for either presidential candidate to drop below 40% no matter how ugly things get. Donald Trump has already been stuck at around 40% for quite some time, suggesting he may not go any lower. But could Trump’s worsening behavior push more of the undecideds to Joe Biden, and drive up his numbers?

Palmer Report is also fond of pointing out that one new poll does not make a trend, and that you have to look at the polling averages to find a trend. But there aren’t yet enough new polls conducted since the debate to form a proper average – and the scant amount of polling data that has surfaced suggests that something big may be afoot.

For instance, the new CNBC poll has Joe Biden up by a whopping thirteen points over Trump nationwide. This same CNBC poll had Biden up by nine points early last week, meaning he’s climbed by four points since the debate. Sure enough, Trump is still hanging around 40%, but now Biden is climbing into the mid-fifties, suggesting he’s picking up the remaining undecideds. Now we have to wait to see if the other major polls show similar growth for Biden once they’re updated as the week goes on.

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