Donald Trump just flat out admitted it

Hi, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Donald Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

Donald Trump truly believes he is untouchable. He says and does whatever he wants with no consequences, so who can blame him? One can only wonder what will become of his latest admission. He is potentially facing criminal charges regarding the documents he took from the White House to his resort in Florida, including classified documents, but does he care? Of course not. He has gotten away with so much for so long that he thinks himself “Teflon Don.” Some might disagree with Trump. Raw Story broke the news Monday.

Trump apparently posted his confession on his social media site. According to Raw Story, Trump admitted to stealing the documents, concealing them, and lying about it to the FBI. The DOJ is investigating these very acts, which are criminal. He has, in essence, admitted to the charge of obstruction. Why he hasn’t been arrested is a mystery. Typically when a criminal confesses to a crime, he or she is immediately handcuffed and taken to jail. Trump has not only confessed, but he did so in writing. Trump, of course, claims that he has done nothing more than past presidents, which is a blatant lie, and he also claims that Hillary Clinton’s home should have been “raided” to search for “the 33,000 emails she deleted AFTER receiving a subpoena.” Another lie. He exacerbated his lie by claiming that while other presidents also stole documents, they weren’t nearly as “transparent” as Trump has been. Trump is about as transparent as mud.

According to AlterNet, Trump’s confession is merely another attempt to “change the narrative” on negative stories about him, the latest of which is his dinner with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes. Mostly, Trump wants people to quit bugging him about denouncing white supremacism because he is one himself. How can he denounce a group of which he is a card-carrying member? That must be the only reason he doesn’t denounce them. He knows how most of this country feels about that ilk. Yet, he wants to run for president again, after admitting that he is a low-life thief and a racist. Good luck with that.

Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security, said that had Trump merely claimed that he mistakenly taken the documents, the conversation now would be very different. Instead, he lied, had his lawyers sign a certification, and dodged the question for months. All point to his guilt. Andrew Weissman, former special counsel on Robert Mueller’s team, knows Trump well. He has been personally attacked by him, and he knows Trump’s games. Weissman believes that Trump is saying: “Oh, I openly and notoriously took these documents, but I believed they were my personal documents.” No one believes that except Trump.

The biggest problem with Donald Trump is that he is delusional. He still believes that flocks of people are buying into his nonsense, but his approval rating shows that to be false. He also still believes he’s the smartest man in the room, when he is the dumbest man on the planet. At this point, every stupid thing that comes out of his mouth is merely helping Jack Smith put together his case.

Hi, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Donald Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.