Donald Trump just fed John Eastman to the wolves

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We’ve seen the same script play out over and over again. Donald Trump convinces a henchman to commit crimes for him. Once that henchmen gets caught and gets into serious legal trouble, Trump then tries to protect himself by insisting he barely even knows the person. Predictably, it’s now happening yet again.

Throughout the first three January 6th public hearings, Donald Trump’s election lawyer John Eastman has come up again and again as someone who committed serious election crimes. The most recent hearing laid out strong evidence that Trump directly instructed Eastman to carry out these crimes.

So naturally, Trump and his remaining inner circle are now setting up Eastman to take the fall all by himself, according to Rolling Stone. They’re insisting that Trump barely even knew Eastman, so Trump couldn’t possibly have been involved with Eastman’s crimes. The thing is, it’s not going to work.

The reason Trump has previously gotten away with writing off his henchmen as mere coffee boys? It was because he was President of the United States at the time, and he was literally the boss of everyone at the DOJ who was attempting to bring him to justice. But that’s not the case anymore.

Trump won’t be able to make this go away just by distancing himself from Eastman. Too many people have already testified, and will continue to testify, that Trump instructed Eastman to commit these election crimes. Further, while Eastman appears to be a total whack job with no connection to reality, even he probably won’t take kindly to Trump throwing him under the bus. If this prompts Eastman to spill the beans about Trump… let’s just say there’s no way this ends well for Trump. We are, at long last, way past that now.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.