Donald Trump Jr. crashes and burns

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

I very rarely write about Donald Trump Junior these days. Thatโ€™s because heโ€™s so sleazy that I do not even like to spell out the words that make up traitor daddyโ€™s little son. The apple didnโ€™t fall far from the tree in that regard.

And yet I must! I must write about Junior today, because Junior made a fool of himself in such a delicious way that I feel I must share it with you, the reader. Junior was trying to insult Ron DeSantis. The problem is Junior canโ€™t string two sentences together and when he does, they often come out sounding incoherent.

So what did he say? He said Donald Trump has all the charisma of a mortician. Apparently, he meant to say Ron DeSantis, but you know Junior. Heโ€™s not very good at speaking. So yes, Junior announced on social media that his dad has all the charisma of a mortician, and I object to this because I think thatโ€™s doing morticians a grave disservice.

Of course, Twitter picked up on this and faster than you could say embalming fluid they were on it. My gosh, is he stupid. Donโ€™t talk about morticians that way. Heโ€™s high again, isnโ€™t he?

Way to talk yourself out of the Will, Junior. Stupid alert! We couldnโ€™t have said it any better, Donnie As you can see, Twitter thinks very highly of Don Junior in the laughter department. After all, itโ€™s not every day that a guy compares his father to morticians. Thatโ€™s just Juniorโ€™s way I guess.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.