Donald Trump isn’t going to like this

Donald Trump isn’t going to like this. Trump has been losing support in a steady drop-drip-drip for months now. Do you suppose he knows? Or could he really be under the mistaken hallucination that everybody loves him? Do you know who does NOT love him? The Koch network.

The Koch network is formidable. As you are aware, they have deep pockets. Only those pockets will not be emptying for Donald trump anytime soon. The powerful republican organization will not be welcoming trump into their corporate embrace.

And they will be endorsing a candidate in the 2024 presidential election; only it won’t be trump. On Sunday, Charles Koch said the republican party needs to “turn the page on the past.” The Koch network has not before endorsed in a republican primary, but they will this time. And CNN reports that it’s confirmed they would not back Donald Trump.

This is the hard truth Donald trump must swallow. But Trump never was any good at truths. WHAT did Trump think? That the republican party would end without him? The hard truth is that the GOP will never forget trump but not for the reasons trump thinks.

As evil as Trump is, his little supplicants are just as wicked. They learned from Trump – how to lie, cheat, limit voter access, stir up drama, engage in election denial, refuse to concede, and bond with insurrectionists.

The pupils learned all they could from their monster of a coach. They worshiped him, and they revered him, and they rushed to obey him, and then when it was apparent the monster was going to be destroyed by a monster-hunter named Jack Smith — they left him. And Trump still can’t see the bitter reality. He can’t see it was ALL done as he does things — in cold blood.

That’s how he works, the Donald — in cold blood. And that is exactly the lesson his little students learned from him. The Koch network has left him. Other Republicans have left him. The writing has been on the wall now for who knows how long. Donald Trump is done, over, gone with the wind.

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