Donald Trump is wasting away

It’s just no good. Whenever Donald Trump tries to insult, deride, or shame President Biden, the Biden campaign ALWAYS succeeds in making Trump look like a fool. Case in point: Biden has been on the campaign trail, meeting voters, shaking hands, and behaving like the strong and vibrant candidate he is.

Trump’s been busy doing — doing WHAT? According to the Biden campaign, not much of anything. The Biden campaign verbally destroyed Trump with a one-two punch on social media, letting the country know just WHAT Trump’s been doing in private and how the monster chooses to spend his days.

The Biden-Harris campaign first posted that Biden has been quite busy, “Traveling across the country, visiting every major battleground state in 18 days.” Good for them! Then they mulled what TRUMP has been doing.


8:00 AM — HAIR

10:AM Hide in the basement

12:PM Lunch with white nationalists

1 pm Try to sell special Trump APPROVED Bibles to pay bills

1:30 Project 2025 planning call

2:00 pm Hide in the basement

5 pm Sit in a golf cart

6:30 pm Hide in the basement

10:PM Begin posting disturbed, confused, typo-riddled rants on Truth Social

Wow. Just wow. If this were Golf (yet another thing Trump lies about), this post would undoubtedly be a hole-in-one. And the funny thing? They’re right.That IS how Trump seemingly spends his days. Can one imagine such a meaningless existence? Hats off to the Biden-Harris campaign for exposing it.

I’d like to add just a few things. Throws ketchup bottles. This cannot be pinned down to a specific time since it likely happens at different times. Perhaps one bottle goes flying at 1:00 a.m on one day, or perhaps on another day, it’s something like 4 a.m.

Makes senile rants outside court houses. This occurs whenever Trump gets a ruling that he doesn’t like. More of these outbursts will be coming up in the non-ending, seemingly infinite, inescapable maze of Donald Trump’s court cases.

Finding Melania? Well, she’s got to be SOMEWHERE, right? Trying to find some money: And failing. So there you have it — a day in the life of Donald John Trump, a long, dull, day in the orange one’s life. His days may change a bit when he gets to prison.

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