Donald Trump is throwing his life away in real time

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Donald Trump is either a few hours or a day away from being criminally indicted in Fulton County, and it’s increasingly looking like the charges will include racketeering. Trump’s life is falling apart, and he’s reacting to this by making things even worse for himself. Far worse for himself.

Earlier today Trump used his Truth Social platform to publicly call for a scheduled witness not to testify to the grand jury. This is textbook open and shut witness tampering. It means that in addition to the underlying charges, Trump will also almost certainly end up being charged with witness tampering. That’s a charge with a high rate of conviction, and it tends to get a defendant’s pretrial privileges reduced.

Donald Trump is self destructing in real time. He knows that his witness tampering tactics have zero chance of helping him, and 100% chance of hurting him, and he’s doing it anyway. He’s intentionally throwing his life away, either out of reckless frustration, or out of a specific desire to get himself thrown in jail sooner rather than later.

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