Donald Trump is throwing eggs at a brick wall

Desperation breeds contempt. And Donald John Trump has become VERY desperate. Monday, the day after Trump’s 77 Truth Social post rant, Trump filed a motion demanding that the Hush Money trial be postponed. Now — that is not too surprising. Trump is always filing motions. Donald Trump is one giant walking (occasionally talking) Junk-motion filer, always keeping judges and Court Reporters busy.

It is the reason for the motion that is making people laugh- – it has some people laughing so hard they are CRYING. Trump says he cannot get a fair trial. The reason, he explains, is because of “Pre-trial publicity.” This is not a joke.

OK. Let’s break down this Einstein-like motion together. The trial has received little publicity except from one person. That is Donald himself. I mean — the man will not shut up about it. He cannot stop talking; he cannot stop burping up complaints and, hate messages and paranoid accusations.

So he is basically filing a motion against himself because he is the only one who is going on, shooting off his mouth about this trial. We don’t. We all know he’ll be found guilty. The ONLY one who launches a hysterical screed is Trump himself.

The jury pool’s been poisoned, Trump says! They claim they went out and asked 400 New York residents whether they think Trump is guilty, and they mostly did. That may be because he IS guilty. This motion won’t change anything, but it is HIGHLY amusing. Trump’s truly resorting to desperate measures.

Many on social media are having a field day trying to figure out Trump’s next excuse. Allow me to show you some of the more creative ones (these are not direct quotes):

He ate too much McDonald’s, and he has gas.

The dog ate his rigged evidence.

The only venue where a fair trial could be held is Lindsey Graham’s back yard.

It’s an April fool’s joke.

His hair color didn’t turn out right, and he should not have to be subjected to going out in public until he can get it fixed.

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