Donald Trump is “the target” in DOJ criminal probe

Even when something rather obvious happens, such as the DOJ’s forty page public court filing spelling out just how guilty Donald Trump is in his classified documents scandal, some in the pundit class still try to insist it’s not as obvious as it is. Fortunately, more such folks are now coming around to the reality of the situation instead of trying to remain safely behind the story.

For instance, legal expert Neal Katyal just tweeted this: “This language from DOJ’s filing last night makes clear this is NOT just about recovering stolen documents, it’s an active criminal investigation. And while it doesn’t come out and say it, the target is one Donald J. Trump.”

Katyal isn’t the only one expecting a Trump indictment. Legal expert Katie Phang tweeted “Call me crazy, but I could see an indictment with Trump and his lawyer(s) as co-defendants.”

So we’re at that point now. Donald Trump is obviously the target of the DOJ’s classified documents criminal probe. He will be indicted. The real question is who else might be indicted alongside him.

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