Donald Trump is senile

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Donald Trump is senile. He’s also insane (though not in the clinical sense.) All in all, what the GOP has on their hands is a human mess, a lying machine, and a depraved, babbling mentally lost loser. It’s important to speak the truth.

And I believe Trump KNOWS on some level he is a human mess, a lying machine, and a depraved, mentally lost loser. The reason I believe Trump knows this is because questions are starting to be asked about HIS mental acuity. And Donald Trump is not responding well to them.

For example, New York Times writer Frank Bruni penned an op-ed called :
“Trump is really old, too.” This is in response to the media carefully inventing a problem that does not exist — that President Biden is too old to run. (No, he’s not .)

But this op-ed was very good. And asks the right questions. One particular item of note in the article: “How would we even notice Donald Trump’s lapse into incoherence when derangement is essentially his brand?”

Bruni went on to say that if Biden had said some of the things Trump did, the media would be breathlessly hyping it. At any rate, this op-ed seems to have stung our traitor because he went on yet another insane diatribe, attacking the writer: “Such dishonesty at the failing New York Times!”

Here is what I think. I think, rather than talking about aging candidates, which many in the media have decided is their new issue of the day (an issue created by THEM,) we need to have a serious talk about mental fitness. After all, would you rather have an elder and sane statesman who is running the country or an elder sociopath who is insane? The answer is obvious.

And yet, rarely do we hear about mental competency tests. And we should. In many occupations across the country — indeed across the WORLD, people have to take these types of tests. So why not for the Presidency, the ultimate leadership position, the ultimate job in which the person IN the position MUST maintain sanity?

I am speaking of a psychological profile. The said profile would tell the American people whether the candidates in question were emotionally stable.

This would be quite a useful test, allowing us to separate the wheat from the chaff. Alas, the media seems content to denigrate our elders, to cheerfully hype how concerning age is in a contest like this.

I have always felt the older one is, the more wisdom they possess. I would not want a young President, someone straight out of Grad school.

Lived experiences. That is what matters. Lived experiences and wisdom, along with knowledge, are the most important qualities one could have when assuming the office of the Presidency.

Donald Trump is senile. He is also insane. That is how I started this article, but these words are worth saying again. Trump has no idea what is going on at any given moment. He is also psychotic. Let us concentrate on THOSE traits, traits that lend themselves to a very incompetent man. A man who should never under any circumstance be allowed to hold power again.

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