Donald Trump is obviously senile and it’s time we all just said so

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We all agree that Rudy Giuliani is mentally incompetent. But we never talk about Donald Trump being mentally incompetent enough to think that someone as mentally incompetent as Giuliani could help him overthrow the government. The 2024 Republican “frontrunner” is clearly mentally incompetent, and has been for at least a couple years now, and we should all be talking about it.

Trump did an interview this week with a right wing propaganda outlet known to be super friendly to him, and his performance was so bad that even some of his supporters ended up claiming the whole thing was an AI creation. Trump’s cognitive condition is getting worse, but this isn’t something new. He’s been coming off as increasingly senile and zombie-like in every public appearance he’s made for a couple years now.

Even Trump’s own babysitters seem to know it. They’ve found a way to convince him not to return to Twitter, his favorite place on earth, where he’d have a huge built in audience. Instead they’ve got him posting his rants and raves on Truth Social, a ghost town where Trump’s words have minimal impact.

It’s similar to how senile career criminal Creed Bratton’s co-workers had him posting his thoughts to a fake blog that he didn’t know was fake, so that no one would have to read them. Trump is now Creed Bratton, just without Creed’s funny one-liners and occasional bouts of lucidity.

I get why even a lot of anti-Trump people don’t want to talk about the fact that Trump comes off as half senile and half dead. People are afraid that if they admit Trump is mentally incompetent, he may be seen sympathetically by the general public. But so what? This is a guy who’s still pretending to run for President. If the public comes to have any sympathy for Trump over how far gone his mind is, that’ll automatically disqualify him from being electable in their minds.

Nor can Donald Trump use his own mental incompetence to magically get off the hook in his criminal trials. His lawyers would basically have to argue that he was already senile when he committed these crimes, some of which go back several years, and Trump isn’t going to allow them to use that kind of defense.

There’s really no downside to shouting far and wide about how senile and/or cognitively incompetent Donald Trump has become. Everyone on his side already knows it. His handlers have him toiling away on a ghost town of a social network so that fewer people will see how far gone he is. His supporters are now making up AI conspiracy theories to try to explain away how senile he sounds. So why are we shying away from it?

The Republican “frontrunner” is such a senile man that his own handlers and supporters think he’s senile and are trying to compensate for it. Why aren’t we playing into this? We should be talking about Trump’s cognitive collapse all day every day. We should be demanding the media run headlines about it all day every day. It’s well past time that we start using Trump’s worsening senility to our advantage.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report