Donald Trump is hallucinating

Donald Trump has reportedly now begun to hallucinate. It’s true. The orange monster has been running around bragging about what a success his visit to Ohio the other day was and how high ratings were as oodles of people tuned in to see America’s least favorite president make a bloody fool of himself.
There is just one problem with this mythical scenario. None of the major stations carried it. It’s true. Trump’s visit to Ohio was not highly televised. It would seem people had other things on their minds. Trump seems to be losing his grip on reality even more than usual.
Trump has said that ratings for his visit were “massive.” And now everybody is bewildered. Because how could ratings be massive if nobody even carried the visit live? And not only did Trump brag about how high the ratings were, but he also made a stunning claim about just how many people watched.
According to Trump — more than 178 million. So who were all these mysterious people eagerly turning into non-existent television channels to watch a former president and current traitor make a fool of himself?
Fox? Nope.
CNN? Nope.
MSNBC? Nope.
So who are these people? And what station is this? Trump claimed “traditional” media covered his visit, and many also watched on social media. And isn’t it just like Trump to praise HIMSELF and not the people of Ohio? As usual — it’s all about Trump.
If Trump wants high ratings, he will not have to wait long. There is indeed a television show eagerly waiting to be viewed. It’s called the “Donald Trump indictment show.” You can bet millions will tune in for that. And hopefully, there will be a perp walk. And then Donald trump will finally have all the ratings he could possibly want.