Donald Trump is financially destroying the RNC already

Donald Trump is still in the process of trying to take over the Republican National Committee, inserting family members and puppets in leadership positions, and instituting mass layoffs of people at the RNC who might not be so loyal. We’re still waiting to see how this “takeover” ploy plays out. But in the meantime Trump has already begun the process of destroying the RNC financially.

Trump is reportedly already meeting with major Republican donors and asking them to focus on paying his legal bills instead of focusing on funding the RNC, according to the Associated Press. This kind of thing is going to gut the RNC financially before we even find out whether Trump’s attempted “takeover” of the RNC is going to be a successful one.

Each time Donald Trump convinces a Republican donor to send another million dollars to him directly instead of sending it to the RNC, that’s another million dollars he’s directly taking away from Republican House and Senate candidates running in competitive districts in 2024. So if the Republican Party at large doesn’t want to step in and put Trump out of his political misery, it’s their loss.

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