Donald Trump is “doomed”

Donald Trump desires absolute immunity. He craves it, he covets it, he thinks it’s his for the taking. It is not. In recent days, we have heard a lot about blanket immunity from Donald Trump himself. He’s spoken about it, he’s “truthed” about it. It appears to be uppermost on his mind.

Unfortunately for the Donald, he is simply not going to get this immunity. Virtually everyone agrees that Trump stands about as much chance of getting his absolute immunity as someone winning Powerball — five times in a row. Former Watergate Prosecutor Nick Akerman spoke to MSNBC on Saturday and said so himself.

Speaking with Katie Phang, Akerman said that Trump has zero chance of getting his beloved immunity and that at some point, Akerman expects Trump to wind up in “the big house.” Akerman said Trump’s days as a free man are numbered and that he is “doomed.”

“The minute that Donald Trump is in the Doc, the jury a sworn in — he is gone. He’s going to be convicted and be on his way to the big house.” These are wise words from the prosecutor and accurate ones! Of course, Trump will not get his wish for absolute immunity because absolute immunity doesn’t exist — for ANYONE.

I think, on some level, Trump knows that, and this is the source — one of them anyway — of his rage. The terror that he walks around with must be like living with a giant black widow spider inside him, eating away at him.

Perhaps Trump will not consciously admit that he knows he doesn’t stand a chance of getting his heart’s desire but based on his behavior (innocent people don’t act like this) we know it to be true.

His rage will only get worse, friends. This is because once the immunity question is answered — that spider inside him will multiply. No doubt, the terror he will feel, coupled with the narcissistic rage that will also engulf him, will lead him into doing or saying something extremely stupid, even more stupid than the garbage that drops from his mouth now. It shouldn’t be long either. Stay tuned.

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