Donald Trump is collapsing

It’s hard to believe that just a few short weeks ago, Donald Trump’s Truth Social merger was supposedly going to be the magic bullet that ended all of his legal troubles by letting him finally pay off the bond when his own fundraising and golden clown shoes failed to do it.

Now, the story has actually become a rather predictable one – where like all of Donald Trump’s other businesses, Truth Social’s stock is plummeting in stunning fashion. To the surprise of absolutely no one, he’s trying to sell shares of his stock as campaign merch to his gullible supporters, just as he’s been trying to sell autographed bibles and overpriced sneakers.

Far from becoming a cudgel to make the former guy “stronger than ever,” the usual plot twist the media can’t resist serving up to us, Truth Social stock has become a punchline – literally. During his campaign stop in Scranton, President Biden made passing mention of it in a speech – saying that if the stock continues on its current trajectory, the former guy might benefit more from President Biden’s tax plan than his own.

This is how you handle Donald Trump and his nonsense – call out his worth – which has always been less than what he’s claimed it is, while also highlighting that Democrats have always had the more beneficial tax plan – for just about everyone who isn’t a wealthy donor of the GOP. Let’s reelect President Biden on Nov 5 and make his tax plan a reality, by flipping the House and keeping the Senate.

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