Donald Trump is angry

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It’s sometimes almost impossible to believe how thin-skinned convicted felon Donald Trump is. I doubt I’ve seen anyone so utterly obsessed with themselves, to the point where I do wonder if he spends hours scouring the net for coverage of himself, good or bad.

Alas, as of late, not much of the coverage has been good news for the felon. But Donald Trump, who never met a headline he didn’t love to comment on, is losing his mind over one particular headline.

You’ll remember that Mr. Trump met with a group of CEO’s recently, and most of them described Trump as coming across as a bloated, cognitively unaware gasbag. (My words, but you get the picture.)

Trump became infuriated by this headline. Because now he’s claiming he’s fit as a fiddle! On Truth Social, Trump quoted a Daily Signal article. Apparently, an anonymous attendee disputes this claim of the CEO’s, saying, “There was never a moment” when Trump wasn’t focused, thoughtful, and serious.

“Everybody was clapping,” Mr. Anonymous claims. Yeah, I bet they were. Perhaps they WERE clapping — with RELIEF that the agonizing purgatory of listening to Donald John Trump was finally ending.

If Trump expects this to make any difference, he’s lying to himself. One glowing sycophantic remark from an anonymous source about MANY CEOs who were not anonymous, who commented on how awful Donald Trump sounded, is not going to cut the mustard. Who would you believe?

As I stated at the beginning of this article, Trump is the most thin-skinned person this writer has ever seen. Remember when former President Obama had a little fun with him at that infamous White house Correspondents dinner? You’d think the world had ended! This is just one more thing that makes Donald Trump so highly unattractive — no humor.

I suspect that the scowl we see on the traitor’s face was something he was perhaps born with. Anyway, Donald Trump, at this point, is sounding increasingly desperate to push his narrative. It’s not helping.

Anyone with eyes and ears can see and hear how far off the beaten path Trump is. And Trump is in deep denial. Why? Because if he thinks this is the LAST story about his cognitive decline, he indeed is deluding himself.

These stories are a leaky sink –they start with a drip, drip, drip, then they gather in intensity and start to flow a bit, then suddenly the gushing comes as the flooding begins. This is precisely what Donald Trump has to look forward to, friends and readers. His whole life is one leaky spigot, which is rapidly starting to flood the zone, and he best get used to it.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report