Donald Trump is angry

Donald Trump just finished taking the stand in a civil trial which is going to completely bankrupt him from top to bottom – and the trial in question is not even among the four most dangerous trials Trump is facing. His next trials will send him to prison. So how’s he feeling about this?

As it turns out, he’s angry. Actually he’s “very, very angry,” according to reporter Maggie Haberman, who still seems to have an insider’s view of Trump world, even after Donald Trump recently called her “Maggot Hagerman” on social media.

Haberman, or Hagerman, or whatever her name is, went on CNN and said that Trump is trying really hard these days to come across as being seen as “fine” but he’s actually very angry behind the scenes.

Of course Haberman is still doing Trump’s bidding by insisting that Trump feels great about his 2024 prospects because of recent polling (in reality the majority of recent polling has Biden winning). This is how people like Haberman manage to keep getting inside information from people like Trump.

But it’s noteworthy that even a Trump mouthpiece like Haberman is admitting that Trump is really pissed off about how badly everything is falling apart for him. Spoiler alert, if you think things are going well for you and that you’re about to become President of the United States, you’re not “very, very angry” about your life.

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