Donald Trump is about to get hit by reality

Have you ever used the term, “It just doesn’t seem real yet?” Whether it’s a new job, a vacation, or a wedding, this term is often used when something hasn’t really settled in, when it still feels as something out of a dream — or a nightmare.

Reportedly, Donald Trump faces something that “doesn’t feel real yet.” That something is the loss of his freedom. Maggie Haberman remarked on this while appearing on CNN on Monday. She was commenting on the start of Trump’s first trial, which some in the media have tried to poo-poo as not being all that serious when in reality it is quite serious.

Haberman explained that Trump “does not understand” the seriousness of all this, that in his (Tiny) mind, he still thinks he’s going to get out of the trial, and that it is not yet real to him.

“The trial will start in 21 days. But I don’t think this is gonna become real for him until we get much closer to it.” A hazy dream that appears far, far away. A man lost in a desert, not understanding that there isn’t any fresh bodies of water around to save him.

Donald Trump will get the surprise of his life if he doesn’t face reality soon. Based on what Haberman and others say, it does not seem that is happening There is a name for what Trump is suffering from. It’s called State of Denial.

If, this trial looming over a VERY close horizon does not seem “real” to him; he is even more far gone than first thought. Perhaps he can’t bear to think about this (AND OTHER) criminal trial for too long. Maybe it makes him too angry. But he’d best pay attention. This is NOT a dress rehearsal. This is reality.

The reality is this is a serious case that could involve prison time, being presided over by a no-bullshit Judge, and coming up faster than Trump perhaps realizes. Once in court, Trump can’t burst out with screeches and rage. Well, he can, but then he’d be held in contempt of court.

He will watch his fate decided by jurors — people he has never even met. He will watch the sleaziest, most unseemly details of his personal life unfold for all to see. Trump better get with the program and accept that this is not only very real but also only the beginning.

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