Donald Trump is a threat to national security

Donald Trump is no stranger to talking about things with people that should be kept secret. Last week, it was speculated by Newsweek that Trump may have some involvement with the attack on Israel. Newsweek revealed that Trump shared intel with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. You might ask what Russia has to do with Hamas, but nothing is clear on ties other than how Russia might benefit other than a distraction from their war in Ukraine. Radio Free Europe, however, said that Russia has ties to Hamas via its close relationship with Iran. The worst part of Trump sharing this intel is that it wasn’t his to share; it was Israel’s intel. Trump, of course, claimed it was “his right” to share the information. It comes as no surprise, then, that Trump has once again been bragging about secret information.

According to the Hill, Trump shared information with a member of his club, an Australian billionaire named Anthony Pratt. The Hill reported that Trump told Pratt how many warheads nuclear submarines carry and how close they can get to Russian subs without being detected. This is obviously classified material, yet Trump talked about it like he was discussing the weather. He took a great chance in sharing this type of information with Pratt, and the story is that Pratt shared it with at least 45 other people, including Australian officials, journalists, and employees. You can only imagine how many others now know, and those are the shared secrets that we know about. Who knows what else he has told anyone else?

According to his campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, Trump “. . . did nothing wrong, has always insisted on truth and transparency, and acted in a proper manner, according to the law.” All lies. There is absolutely nothing truthful or transparent about Donald Trump, and he frequently breaks the law. Trump’s followers may believe this nonsense, but no one else does. Besides, this is pattern and practice for Donald Trump. He loves bragging about his power and authority, and national secrets mean nothing to him, as evidenced by his taking and storing classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. They were like party favors to him, something to show people he wanted to impress. He had not one care about those secrets getting out to the mainstream public, even though he understood the importance of the documents remaining secret.

Even as he denigrated Hillary Clinton for having classified documents on her private email server, he did worse. All the things he said back then about Clinton now apply to him, and he even signed a law in 2018 to increase the penalty for “unauthorized removal and retention” of classified documents. Now that his own law applies to him, it’s a “witch hunt.” No, as a popular Facebook meme said, it’s a rattlesnake roundup.

Donald Trump is, always has been, and always will be despicable. The man threw his own son under the bus in his fraud trial. That should tell his followers how he really feels about them.

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