Donald Trump has unhinged meltdown ahead of his New York criminal trial

On a night when Donald Trump was winning the Michigan Republican primary contest by a much smaller than predicted margin, it was clear that his mind was elsewhere. Trump spent the evening posting hallucinations on social media about how everyone is leaving New York State in protest of his trial verdict there.

Trump announced “Wow! Many people are leaving, or planning to leave, New York State, because of how the corrupt New York Judge, under the control of the even more corrupt Attorney General, have fabricated and “faked” New York State “LAW” to suit their own, and Biden’s hit on his Political Opponents, purpose.” Yes, that was all somehow one sentence.

Of course none of the above is actually happening. Other than one Fox News host and a handful of truckers, no one is actually vowing to move out of New York in protest of how Trump is being treated.

Worse for Trump, he’s now three and a half weeks from going on criminal trial in New York, on thirty-four felony counts. We can’t wait to see the hallucinatory meltdowns Trump has once his trial gets underway and he realizes he’s going to prison.

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