Donald Trump has surreal meltdown after his GOP ally Jim Jordan gets caught in sex abuse scandal

Earlier today we learned that Donald Trump’s close ally, influential Republican Congressman Jim Jordan, has been accused of helping to cover up a sex abuse scandal on the Ohio State wrestling team. In addition to being a horrifying story for obvious reasons, this also has the potential to be very bad politically for the GOP in general and for Trump in particular. Naturally, not long after the scandal broke, Trump launched into a Twitter meltdown that was surreal even by his usual standards.

Donald Trump made his first attempt at a distraction by posting this tweet: “After having written many best selling books, and somewhat priding myself on my ability to write, it should be noted that the Fake News constantly likes to pour over my tweets looking for a mistake. I capitalize certain words only for emphasis, not b/c they should be capitalized!” So now Trump has gone from ranting in capital letters to ranting about capital letters. Also, confirms that it’s “pore over” and not “pour over.”

Trump then decided to sharpen his attacks on the media, which we’ll remind you comes just a few days after a Trump supporter murdered a bunch of journalists in Annapolis: “The Washington Post is constantly quoting “anonymous sources” that do not exist. Rarely do they use the name of anyone because there is no one to give them the kind of negative quote that they are looking for. They are a discgrace to journalism but then again, so are many others!” He later deleted it and replaced “discgrace” with “disgrace.”

It’s clear what Donald Trump is trying to do here. One of his key allies has just been caught up in a sex abuse scandal, and he’s hoping you’ll pay attention to his Twitter antics instead. Nice try. Jim Jordan is one of Trump’s most crucial co-conspirators in the House GOP, and now Jordan is either crippled or finished.

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