Donald Trump has senile “giant dome” meltdown

Donald Trump’s babysitters have to send him out there to give political speeches these days in order to distract from the fact that he’s a criminal defendant on his way to prison. The trouble is that Trump is so far gone, he can’t even stick to the script in front of him, and ends up having no idea what he’s saying.

For instance Trump appears to be moving on from the idea of building a silly stupid wall on the border, and he’s instead decided to build a “giant dome over our country to protect us from a hostile source.” No really, that’s what he said during his latest speech.

Trump appears to be trying to refer to Israel’s iron dome, which Trump seems to think is an actual dome of some kind. The kicker is that not only does Trump have no idea what this “dome” is that he wants to build, he has no idea who the supposed threat is even supposed to be. When you’re so senile that you can’t think of the name of a single American adversary, and end up having to say “a hostile source,” your brain is done for.

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