Donald Trump has nothing better to do

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Apparently, nothing or no one can shut down Donald Trump. With everything that is going on in the world right now, he is still fixated on “dirt” on Hunter Biden. Politico reported that Trump was recently interviewed by, as they refer to him, “discredited far-right journalist” John Solomon. Solomon used to hold some legitimacy as a columnist for the Hill, but back in 2020, he decided to go off the deep end about Marie Yovonovitch, former ambassador to Ukraine. Solomon initially refused to reveal his sources, and once they were revealed, most – if not all – were under investigation and/or indictment. Great sources that are likely reliable (eye roll). To make matters worse, the Hill was concerned about Solomon’s relationship with Rudy Giuliani and Lev Parnas, both of whom claimed to have evidence of wrongdoing by Hunter and Joe Biden in Ukraine, which we now know was not true.

Leave it to Trump to seek out someone so unreliable, someone whom the Hill determined was “a central part of the smear campaign” against Yovonovitch. Of course, Trump sought him out to sing his tired old tune about investigating Hunter Biden. Obviously, Trump has nothing better to do with his time. As his “evidence,” Trump relies on an investigation conducted by Senate Republicans shortly before the 2020 election, which “investigation” proved nothing nor produced any credible evidence. We must remember that Trump has a short mind span. His brain can only focus on issues he thinks will hurt others because he’s a useless asshole. He does nothing positive for anyone, and-pardon the cliché-lies like a cheap rug.

According to Trump, Hunter Biden received millions of dollars from Yury Luzhkov’s wife. “She gave him $3.5 million so now I would think Putin would know the answer to that. I think he should release it,” Trump told Solomon. If anything, Putin has dirt on Trump he needs to release. Politico follows in that vein, pointing out that Trump tried to do business with Luzhkov in the late 1990s, and he was pursuing high-profile real estate deals in Russia immediately before running for president. As usual, Trump points his fingers and doesn’t realize that he’s pointing three back at himself. Because he is such a useless lump of flesh, he is constantly looking for some way to deflect from his own dirt, and what better way to do that than to focus on someone else?

As Politico reported, Hunter Biden was open with the fact that the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s office was investigating his taxes, and the Southern District of New York securities fraud division investigated his finances. While the Wall Street Journal reported that a federal tax investigation is underway with Biden, it is not Donald Trump’s place to interfere or try to use Hunter Biden to get at his father. Trump needs to clean up his own kitchen before he goes nosing around in someone else’s. He is a twice impeached, do-nothing blowhard who needs to worry about himself and his own problems. Of course, his behavior is for deflection and nothing more.

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