Donald Trump has “Golden Showers” meltdown, gives something away in the process

Several years ago Donald Trump was accused of an incident involving Russia, prostitutes, and “golden showers.” It was a major controversy for awhile, but it came and went and had been largely forgotten by everyone on all sides – until someone brought it up this weekend. That someone was Donald Trump himself.

Trump had this to say in a speech in Iowa:
This is of course insane. But it’s also something else. Much as Trump might still be upset by this whole debacle, once it faded away, he clearly understood that it wasn’t wise to bring it up. He didn’t mention it for years.

But now that Trump’s cognitive abilities are declining to the point that he generally doesn’t know where he’s at or what’s going on, he’s suddenly bringing up his old “golden showers” scandal again. Trump used to have the sense not to put these kinds of old things back into the headlines. But at this point he’s so far gone he doesn’t understand what to say or what not to say. Trump’s worsening senility just keeps finding new ways to bite him.

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