Donald Trump has completely unhinged meltdown about Elvis

Donald Trump is a severely psychotic individual who’s now suffering from worsening senility on top of it. The result is almost comically sad. Trump keeps taking swings that alternate between nasty and narcissistic, and he keeps missing in every instance.

Trump just lost $83 million, he’s days away from losing another $370 million or so, and he’s on track to face two criminal trials in the next two months. So where is Trump’s focus? He’s decided that, well, he looks like Elvis Presley.

Trump made a social media post saying “For so many years people have been saying that Elvis and I look alike.” Then he included a split screen photo of himself and Elvis which unwittingly reveals that he looks nothing like Elvis.

Like I said, this is getting comically sad. We’re watching malignant narcissism and empty headed senility colliding in real time, and the result is Donald Trump is out there claiming he looks just like Elvis Presley.

It’s the kind of thing that’s so pathetic, you almost have to take a peek at Trump’s Truth Social page for yourself in order to believe that it’s really happening. And yet it’s indeed happening. We keep seeing more evidence of Trump’s decline every time he speaks. It’s a matter of time before he’s standing at the podium talking incoherently about poop, or wherever this is headed. It’s not going to be pretty.

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