Donald Trump has completely senile meltdown about marbles and tractors

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One surefire sign of senility is that you don’t know what’s going on, or who the current President is, or who the people around you are, or what the current time period is. Donald Trump has succumbed to all of those. Another sign of senility is when you forget what you’re trying to say mid-sentence, get hung up on a word you just said, and begin telling an inane unrelated story centered around that word. Trump is now increasingly doing this as well.

During his attempt at giving a political speech on Friday, Trump said the word “marbles” and then stopped himself mid-sentence and started repeating the word, before going into an inane story about marbles and tractors:

Donald Trump is obviously and increasingly senile, and it’s time we all start talking about it. This is the behavior of someone who has no idea what’s going on, can’t form a coherent thought, and consistently can’t remember what he’s in the process of trying to say. There’s just about nothing left of him.

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