Donald Trump has berserk meltdown after Judge Engoron cuts him off and shuts him down

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Donald Trump tried delivering part of his own closing argument today at his New York civil fraud trial. But after he went wildly off course and violated the rules of what can be said in such a setting, Judge Arthur Engoron pulled the plug on Trump.

Suffice it to say that Trump isn’t taking it well. He’s now melting down on social media about how “The Judge cut me off in Court and would not let me explain that I was worth much more than the 4 plus $Billion (years ago) I show in the Financial Statements, which are conservatively done.”

Uh, nice try, Donald. That wouldn’t be a legal defense even if it were true. But that’s the problem with Trump these days. He used to strategically lie in order to get ahead. But now he’s so deep into brain rot, he appears to actually believe the kinds of lies he used to strategically make up.

Trump ended his rant by yelling “What is going on here?” What’s going on here, Trump, is that you’re losing and your assets are being taken from you. Get used to it. Your criminal trials are next, where you’ll lose a lot more.

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