Donald Trump goes off the completely senile deep end during Las Vegas rally

The best thing Donald Trump could do for himself right now would be to disappear for awhile, in the hope that the general public loses track of his recent felony conviction. Instead Trump is putting himself out there at rallies, where he’s making a point of reminding everyone of his status as a convicted felon by whining about it, even as he unwittingly reminds everyone that he’s completely senile.

Take, for instance, whatever this is supposed to be:

Remember, this isn’t about Trump’s base or the goons who attend his rallies. They’re already voting for him, and they can only vote once each. Trump’s senile rally performances are making him look nonviable in the eyes of two key groups: those who haven’t decided whether to vote for Trump or stay home, and those who haven’t decided whether to vote for Biden or stay home. So by all means Trump, keep talking.

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