Donald Trump goes bonkers over prosecutors as they close in on him

Weather conditions are sunny and hot in Palm Beach, Florida, today! And it’s been a pretty sunny week for the city of Palms and sunshine. There were, of course, a few clouds hovering, but all in all, the residents of Palm Beach had it much better weather-wise than many other people in other states. Except for one.

And I want to tell you about this person. I want to share with you details about the tsunami that rocked Florida — metaphorically speaking, which of course started on Truth Social. This person’s sun seemed permanently dulled. His climate was harsh. An ominous blizzard had moved in, and white-out conditions were expected.

“The animal Prosecutor that they stuck on me over the Boxes hoax is trying to TORTURE my people.”

A Squall had moved in as well. This squall was different from most, which are usually only about 10 to 20 miles wide.

This one was hundreds of miles long, and its wrath knew no bounds.

“He’s flying people from all over and throwing them in front of a D.C. Grand jury.”

Animals ran to take cover from the raging cyclone. Lightning flashed down. Sleet and snow splattered against the person’s psyche.

“They are confused and scared. They’ve never done that before.”

This storm was not lake-effect snow. It was hate-effect. The whispers were to RUN — run from the storm’s eye — seek shelter immediately — the storm was about to rage even louder!!

“These democrat Marxist pigs should be the ones that are investigated!”

See? It’s rising in tone and tenor. Thank goodness most people are far, far away from the storm’s wicked winds that refuse to stop.

“The nice guy prosecutor in the Biden documents case hasn’t even started yet!”

Folks, it appears the storm is subsiding. But it will be back and even more furious conditions are expected. This person is expecting another raging storm soon which has been named “Hurricane Jack.”

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