Donald Trump goes berserk

For political animals such as ourselves, each new day brings news. Sometimes it is bad news, but other times, the news can mean great things for our team — the democratic team. Those are the days we feel satisfaction. We may look at the sun setting at the end of the day — examine the colorful streaks across the sky, sometimes looking like balls of fire, as the sun retires to rise yet another day.

And we contemplate. When the news is good, we feel victory. It is always nice when the right people get what’s coming to them. And right now, a particular person is raging. His sun is quite angry. You see, my friends, this person seemingly can’t control himself anymore as his anger certainly seems to be getting the best of him. This person is Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is panicking. He is scared, and that’s putting it mildly. And this is because — lady justice is coming ever so much closer. Is our traitor beginning to realize that he is, after all, only human?

Trump has put out a statement. This is newsworthy because of the QUALITY of the statement. It’s garbled. It’s angry. It is the statement of a man who knows he has a date with lady justice. I won’t pollute this article by writing out assolini’s statement. But I will quote from it. Trump accuses the “unselect committee” of trying to “destroy the lives of many wonderful people.”

Fearful? Check.

Trump declares this “can’t be allowed to happen.”

Furious? Check.

Trump describes the insurrectionists as “wonderful people.”



He calls his impeachments a “hoax.”



We have ourselves an angry, livid, and exhausted traitor who, judging from this statement, feels the walls closing in. He is rattled. He is miserable. And he is helpless.

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