Donald Trump gets snubbed

The Club for Growth is about as conservative an organization as an organization can get. It is VERY prominent in the conservative movement. And it holds a yearly retreat, a retreat where ambitious, gleaming-eyed Republicans go, in the hopes of impressing big donors and getting their names out there.

Next month is their 2023 retreat. And many a republican has been invited. Most of the invited guests are names that have been bandied about as possible republican presidential nominees. But one very prominent name was left off the guest list. One person was very deliberately snubbed. Donald John Trump.

I believe there will be an outburst any moment now, and it will come from truth social. Mike Pence was invited. Nikki Haley was asked. Mike Pompeo and Glenn Youngkin, and Tim Scott were invited. Donald Trump was not. He was snubbed — snubbed “bigly.”

David McIntosh is the president of this organization. And he says that were Donald Trump to be invited, the GOP’s chances of winning the presidency would be: “diminished.”

“The party should be open to another candidate,” McIntosh told reporters. This news isn’t going to be welcomed by individual one. In fact, I imagine he will be infuriated. But this should serve as a sign that Trump is over. The Republican party is now openly snubbing Donald Trump. They’re actually leaving him off invitee lists.

Trump and this group do have a somewhat complicated and sordid history. Last year during the Ohio primary, the Club for Growth dared to campaign against JD Vance, whom Trump had endorced. Reportedly Trump was furious about this and ordered one of his minions to text the owner a vulgar message.

So yes, next month this retreat will happen. It will occur without Trump. It will feature donors and many prominent Republicans; only Trump won’t be there. The cheese truly stands alone now. This is horrible news for Trump, and it is only going to get worse from here.

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