Donald Trump finds another scapegoat

Donald Trump has apparently come up with the REAL source of the blame for January 6. The Capitol Police. That’s right. Speaking with Maggie Haberman during an interview for her book, Trump made comments that clearly show who HE is trying to blame.

Speaking about that awful day (which he was responsible for), Trump earnestly tried to convince Haberman that it was all the fault of the cops. “I also had confidence that the Capitol Police, who didn’t want these 10,000 people, that they’d be able to control this thing. And you don’t realize they did lose control.”

Congratulations, Donald Trump, for going even lower than usual. Of course, Trump’s a psycho. So why wouldn’t he blame the ones who fight hardest to save democracy? Back the blue? No. Screw over the blue? Heck, yes. Trump also tried to claim he didn’t have the television going that day and only realized later what was really going on — something we KNOW is a lie.

The truth is the whole interview with Haberman — was — likely false words from the insurrectionist. But blaming the blue for the January 6 insurrection is pretty low. Of course, the GOP, standing on the sidelines like the helpless little lambs they are, will likely say nothing.

The truth is the one most responsible for what happened on January 6 is Donald Trump. I know it. You know it. The GOP knows it, although they can’t say it. And the ones who stopped the madness were our heroes in blue — who fought with everything they had in them. We remember their courage even if it seems the GOP has conveniently forgotten.

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