Donald Trump crashes and burns at Mar-a-Lago

Redundancy is never fun. Who, after all, is fond of the same thing happening over and over, Groundhog Day endlessly repeating itself? It’s like that when someone talks as well. Like a record stick skipping over the same line a million and one times, some people offer very little in the way of conversation. Their one and only way of communicating is to stay on repeat. Donald Trump is one of those people.

As I mentioned in another article, Trump basically has few words in his repertoire, and the words he DOES have are trotted out every time he speaks, used and abused, and often succeed in boring the ever-loving crap out of people. Like this time– the time I’m about to tell you about.

PatriotTakes posted a video of Donald Trump speaking at Mar-a-Lago. There was a problem that was glaringly obvious to anyone who saw this video. There was hardly anybody in the audience.

“Lots of empty seats,” Patrottakes remarked adding: “Not even the most loyal MAGA Republicans who make the pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago- can stand listening to him go on and on.”

This tweet was retweeted, reposted, and liked by many. Apparently many agree. It’s not just that Donald Trump is an evil f###. It’s not just that Donald Trump is a babble-machine. It’s that Donald Trump — orange in color, evil in nature, vapid in personality is — is — is — BORING.

Donald Trump could bore anyone and anything that came into contact with his dull, flat voice. Donald Trump, were he unleashed in a forest and allowed to speak his “truths,” would likely succeed in boring all the forest inhabitants so much they just might scuttle out from hiding and look for a new place to call home.

Donald Trump’s words are nails on a chalkboard. Donald Trump’s voice is our torture. Donald Trump’s speeches give insomniacs hope that there IS a way to sleep peacefully.

Donald Trump is an orange mass of boring muddled clay, and this video, filled with rows of empty seats, is actually hilarious as it seems even people on his home turf have grown sick and tired of being bored silly.

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