Donald Trump caught trashing his own supporters

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There is new information that’s come out in a January 6 interview. This interview was with Stephanie Grisham. She is the former white house press secretary for Donald Trump. This interview is interesting. Of course, it’s about Donald Trump and the terrorists who stormed the Capitol on January 6.

According to details of this interview, Grisham said that Trump was proud of his little robots for coming to his defense. Look at them, he mused, speaking about what “fighters” they were! And they were fighting for him! Never had a traitor been prouder, I’m sure. Except for one thing. There was one thing that was bringing Trump down that day. And that is — their appearance.

That’s right. According to transcripts, Grisham said Trump was upset about how “trashy some of his supporters looked. And this concerned him.

I guess it wasn’t enough that he’d turned these people into his own little terrorists. They had to look glamorous and striking while beating people up. None of this surprises me because Trump’s the type to value people solely by the exterior. He doesn’t have a soul, so it’s not like he has it within him to look for others’ souls.

I do wonder how his loving cult members might feel about this information. I know I wouldn’t be happy. However, there is a chance they will not believe it. As cult members, Maga are premium members. I suspect they do not have it within themselves to think their savior could wrong them in any way. They can’t admit the truth because then they’d have to admit he doesn’t know give a shit about any of them.

But it’s still nice to have clarification. So to recap — while Police — heroes, patriots, the ones Trump – and Maga — profess to LOVE — were getting terrorized — while people in congress and his own VP were in mortal danger — what was on Trump’s mind was — looks. Appearances. Wardrobe perhaps? How perfectly Trumpian of him.

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