Donald Trump can’t win either way

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“Melting into a puddle of his own makeup and sweat.” Ouch! That phrase was used in a column for Salon to describe how Donald Trump is being perceived these days. This is not good news for him. In this column, the focus isn’t on how Democrats perceive him but on how MAGA does.

Maga is said to be having some serious doubts about Donald Trump’s ability to carry out another presidential term. This is due to his mental decline. Now check out THESE words from the column:

“This opens up speculation as to what will go on in Milwaukee when the MAGA faithful descend like a horde of cicadas to choose their candidate.”

“There are growing whispers and speculation among the faithful and the faithless in MAGA land that Donald Trump may not be up for the job.”

This column should not be a surprise. Look, when food expires, we throw it out. When a battery dies, we replace it with a new one. And when a babbling and crazy wanna-be candidate’s brain starts descending rapidly into hot coals, we cast our eyes around to see who else is out there.

What pleases me the most about this story is that Donald Trump will see it. And when he does, faster than one could say lunatic asylum, he will have a one-for-the-ages meltdown.

Of course, Trump may stay the nominee. Republicans are just stupid enough to make that mistake. But what if he doesn’t? That’s the question many are asking today.

If the nominee is NOT Trump, expect Donald Trump to order his base to stay home and to try to destroy the republican party. If it IS Donald Trump, then we’re up against a moron who we should be able to beat. So, looking at this through an objective lens, my feeling is that we win either way.

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