Donald Trump can’t spin his way out of this one
It really is true that everything Donald Trump touches dies, including the political aspirations of his chosen candidates. Does it not seem awfully odd to you, friends and readers, that Trump’s endorsements really are turning into the kiss of death for many a Republican?
Take the Kentucky governor’s race. Trump had endorsed AG Daniel Cameron, a wildly out-of-step MAGA and someone whose candidacy went down in flames as he lost soundly to Andy Beshear. Of course, if one knows Trump one knows a temper tantrum was lurking right around the corner, waiting to show itself, drifting ever-closer to Truth-Social as the temper tantrum gathered in strength and momentum as these kinds of Trump melt-downs tend to do.
But still I doubt anyone was expecting what they got. And what they got wads a long diatribe against the Turtle. Yes, Moscow Mitch was the subject of Trump’s rapidly decaying mind. And Trump proceeded to bash the ever-loving crap crap of him — metaphorically speaking, of course.
Trump blamed the Kentucky loss on Mitch McConnell’s “stench.”
“Daniel Cameron lost because he couldn’t alleviate the stench of Mitch McConnell.”
“I told him early that’s a big burden to overcome.”
Let us sit and marvel at the blatant stupidity in these few sentences alone. It really is incredible that we had this moron as President (shudder) for four miserable years. WHAT is Donald talking about? The Turtle soundly won reelection in Kentucky. No problems THERE.
Does Trump REALLY think that Kentuckians woke up on election day, ready to vote, feeling energized, and said to themselves: “Can’t vote for Cameron. He’s too close to Mitch.” What a putz! And also there is something else. I doubt Trump wrote that post alone. Why? Because Donald Trump does not know a big word like “alleviate.” No way. No way in hell. Someone was there with him.
Trump also claimed he “moved” Cameron up 25 points in the polls, which also makes no sense and shows Trump’s worsening senility because one thing about Trump’s posts is that they are starting to sound even STUPIDER than they did before — no small accomplishment.
Now, Trump and the turtle hate and despise each other. But I will go out on a limb here for the Turtle and say I highly doubt HE was the reason Cameron lost. I will say that we had a damn GREAT candidate in Andy, and THAT is why Cameron lost — because when you put out bad quality candidates, they have nowhere to go but down.[mashshare shares=”false” buttons=”true” align=”left” services=”3″ size=”small”]