Dog day afternoon

Dog day Afternoon got its name from the ancient Greeks who dubbed the brightest star in the constellation — Sirus — the “dog star.” Dog days often refer to the very hottest time of year where dogs lie around panting and perhaps you’ve seen the 1075 masterpiece film “Dog day afternoon.”

And for us, we have passed the hottest time of year in the physical sense. Summer is ending, and we are heading into crisp autumn days. But what we are now entering are our hottest days politically. It is our dog days — the countdown, readers. The countdown to the midterms.

And please make no mistake – EVERY day will be the hottest time in the weeks leading up to November. We now enter the time of hard work and all hands on deck. We cannot afford to “laze around.” There is more work to be done in the next few weeks than ever before.

This is OUR time. It’s our time to seize the day and get out those votes! It’s the time to sign up to help candidates. It is also the time to donate, phone bank, knock on doors, and tweet out Democrats.

The clock is ticking, and we know what to do And what happens if we win? We can change the fabric of America, people. We can do so much! It’s all in the numbers.

Yes, the dog days of summer are over. But we need to up our efforts to red-hot and scorching degrees. We can do this. Imagine our delight on election night when race after race after race is called for us.

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