Michael Cohen announces his divorce from Donald Trump

The events of the past several days have made it clear that Michael Cohen is indeed somewhere in the process of a plea deal, but it’s remained difficult to figure out precisely where in that process he is. He booked an interview with Good Morning America, something you don’t generally do if you’re cutting a plea deal, but then he decided at the last minute to do the interview off-camera. Then he decided to sever his joint legal defense with Donald Trump, a more concrete sign. Now Cohen is filing for divorce from Trump in a different way.

Best anyone can tell, it’s been quite some time since Michael Cohen actually did any work for Donald Trump of any kind. But even as they grew apart after Trump took office, and even after the FBI raided Cohen’s office as part of a larger investigation into Trump’s crimes, Cohen’s Twitter bio still continued to list him as the “Personal attorney to President Donald J. Trump.”

No more. As of right now, Michael Cohen’s Twitter bio is officially empty. All that remains is a link to his LinkedIn page, which lists his current employer as “Michael D. Cohen” and his previous employer as “Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization.” In other words, Cohen has decided to officially bring to an end the notion that he still works for Donald Trump or for Trump’s company.

This is, in effect, Michael Cohen’s way of filing for divorce from Donald Trump in the court of public opinion. Cohen’s Twitter and LinkedIn accounts are his two public-facing pages, and now he’s making a point of announcing on both those pages that he’s no longer associated with Donald Trump at all. Even as his plea deal situation plays out behind the scenes in unknown fashion, he’s already trying to convince the public that his proverbial marriage to Trump is over.

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